It’s been 10 years since I posted here in the blog trying to make sense of what I am doing. You kind of know what this post is already and time is already against us. There is a lot of meaningful work that we will leave here and it was never a waste that I decided to end the blog now. The posts will still be here,  the blog itself will not be deleted or anything, it’s just this will be the last post for this blog.

As you all know, I have a game blog that runs on Google Ads. I also do have a Gaming Channel on Youtube, this channel has been active again, I am posting videos again about Genshin Impact and I am focusing on these two in the coming weeks and in the whole 2023. Currently I am creating contents scheduled for the next couple of weeks and I hope that would be enough to create more in the coming months. The target is to schedule as much content as possible and with that I will just focus on schedule posts and creating another set of content that can last for at least 2 months.

The New Year is really my start of doing something new, ok, maybe an added feature of myself. I can not remove myself from Tech entirely. What works in the background of my gaming blog is also related to some tech topics, like SEO and some HTML. The ending of this blog as well, is to focus on more niched topics, while maintaining a presence on the monetized channels that I have.

I have this idea that games, anime and Marvel are intertwined with each other, so I created a blog with all of that. Marvel has games, the gaming community is also developing games that come directly from anime. Marvel is no longer a name for comics, it has a special category already in games and in entertainment in general. Same as for anime, it holds a special place in games, even Dragonball Z and One Piece has titles on consoles.

While I run my gaming blog and gaming channel and will rebrand myself to a different niche. This blog has a lot of mixture of topics and I think having too many shifting topics and keywords won’t do any good. I do have goals in mind, but it seems it is really too premature to think about the details now. It will be still under tech, programming, design, branding and freelance. Focusing on the journey of a struggling Dad in tech. I guess this was talked about or the idea was already brought up several times in this blog but nothing was really concretized, nothing was sealed as I have always been distracted and always have reason to go the other way. I still need to plan and have something by February. Please if you are reading this blog, please do follow the next chapter on my twitter account here.

It is not a “farewell” post but this will be a start of a brand new chapter that is long overdue already.